The Monthly Bike Jumble
Lovely people from all over Manchester get together and buy and sell used bikes, unwanted, vintage and specialist bike parts right here in the shop, and outside if the weather lets us. It’s free for everyone – whether you’re buying or selling!
- When? The first Saturday of every month between 11am and 4pm
- Where? Right here at Popup Bikes
- Why? So lovely people can get together and buy and sell new and used bikes and bike parts. Its also a great way to reduce costs and recycle
- How much? FREE, it’s free to enter and it’s free to be a seller!
ANYONE is welcome to come and sell ANYTHING bike related.
If you’re looking for;
- Vintage & Retro bikes
- Used modern bikes
- Used bike parts
- Rare bike parts
- New/unused bike parts
- Bike related paraphernalia
- Some old dudes who know about old bikey-type-things.
Then this is the place to find all of the above and our café staff will make sure you have a great coffee while you wander around all the bike goodies!
Feel free to contact us if you are a vendor and let us know that you’re coming so we can share the items you have for sale on social media before the jumble.